Payment of Fee

  1. Fee is to be paid in advance for every three months before the end of the first month at UNITED MERCANTILE CO-OPERATIVE BANK LTD., D.G. College, 13/394, Civil Lines Branch, Kanpur and HDFC Bank Ltd. Civil Lines Branch, Kanpur.
  2. Payment of fee by cheque shall be accepted upto 30th of each month in which the payment falls due, there after payment will be accepted only in cash (with due fines).
  3. Cheques should be drawn in the name of UNITED PUBLIC SCHOOL, KANPUR payable at local Banks only.
  4. In case a cheque is dishonoured, the facility of paying fee by cheque would be withdrawn.
  5. After the end of the first month a fine of Rs. 25/- will be charged per week. If the fee remains unpaid for two consecutive months the name of the student will be struck-off the rolls.
  6. The fact that a bill or memorandum has not been received by the parent or that it has been received late neither exempts the student from paying fine nor prevents the school from striking the name of the student off the rolls, for non-payment of fee.
  7. If any student whose name has been struck-off seeks re-admission, he will be charged a re-admission fee of Rs. 500/-, only if re- admission is allowed by the Principal.

Note :

    1. All fee is payable through the Bill Book directly in the Bank nominated by the school. The amount of payment and the last date of payment are specifically given in the bill book to be issued annually to all pupils on the School rolls or those selected for new admission.
    2. The Board of Management reserves the right of revising the fee given in the above schedule/bill book at any time with or without any notice.